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GTA 5 Thor End-Game Mod With Power’s

Download the GTA 5 Thor End-Game Mod by clicking the button below.

Thor EndGame Mod is an American superhero in the GTA V game created by JulioNIB. One of my best mods with the best controls and best powers and you can easily use this. So we are providing GTA 5 thor end-game mod with power’s essay to install just download from here and read the below installation.


  • Unarmed Melee attacks
  • Mjolnir (Hammer) Melee attacks
  • Storm Breaker Melee attacks
  • Dismemberment attacks
  • Charged Melee attacks
  • Flight
  • Charged fast flight (Throw hammer)
  • Charge energy feature
  • Auto charge energy in Rain/Thunderstorm weather
  • Auto charge energy when using melee attacks
  • Energy effects in body and weapon
  • Auto healing
  • Grab targets feature (enabled for peds only by default)
  • Possibility to use Mjolnir and Storm Breaker at same time
  • Throw weapon attacks

(Installation) Of GTA 5 Thor End-Game Mod:

  • Download the “Thor EndGame Mod” from here.
  • Then extract the RAR file and open the extracted folder.
  • The mod uses the OpenIV package installer.
  • For more installation instructions read in file README! notepad.
  • Read & install, then enjoy the GTA 5 thor end-game mod

How to Use (HotKeys):

  • – Menu
  • Ctrl + N – Show mods menu
  • Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) – Navigate
  • Enter/Numpad5 – Select item
  • Numpad0/Backspace – Previous menu/Close menu
  • – Mod HotKeys
  • R – Special Attack (Hold to charge)
  • E – Hold to select special attack
  • Left Mouse button – Melee attacks (with a weapon, hold to charge the melee attack)
  • Aim+Left Mouse button – Throw weapon (hammer/storm breaker)
  • 1 – Equip/bring back Hammer (Mjolnir) – Its the number 1, not Numpad 1
  • 2 – Equip/bring back Storm Breaker – Its the number 2, not Numpad 2
  • 3 – Equip/bring back both weapons
  • Space – Toggle flight, hold to charge fast flight
  • T – Teleport to targeted entity/coordinates/waypoint
  • X – Charge energy
  • For some attacks you can hold Aim to set multiple targets by pressing the attack/special attack button
  • W/S – Increase/Decrease fast flight speed
  • H – Toggle helmet (Depends on ped model and suit .ini file)

So friends thanks for the support keep it more and enjoy the GTA 5 thor end-game mod more than more. We are always available for you. and you can download more best mods for GTA 5, GTA 4 from our website. Click Here And enjoy Thank You.

Disclaimer: We do not intent to infringe any intellectual right artist rights or copyright. If you feel any of the content posted here is under your ownership just contact us and we will remove that content immediately. Or if you require a suitable credit please let us know. mods and any other information presented is intended only to familiarize users with the materials that may be of interest to them.

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